Today Team HARD. Racing can announce that the decision has been made to withdraw the new CUPRA Leon for the 2021 Kwik Fit British Touring Car Championship season in favour of the teams faithful Volkswagen CC after three of the current crop of drivers put forward to Managing Director Tony Gilham about their sentimental feelings for the car.

It’s reported that returning star Aron Taylor-Smith was the first to voice his concerns during the drivers monthly Zoom conference call. When questioned, Taylor-Smith commented, “It’s not uncommon knowledge that I have fond memories of the VW CC after taking my last win in the BTCC back in 2016. Like they say, distance can make the heart grow fonder and that is definitely the case here, I really miss driving the car and wanted to get this off my chest. Little did I know that my new teammates also felt the same way. It was at that moment we decided to beg the boss to give us one last chance in the car that made so many happy memories for us”.

Jack Goff, who took the team’s first win driving the Volkswagen CC was very emotional when questioned. “To be honest, at the end of the season I was ready to let go of the Volkswagen and I was ready for a new challenge.

“The new CUPRA is a fantastic car and a significant step forward but it feels empty when I drive it. There is no history or memories attached to it and that has been eating away at me over the past week or so.

“Every time I got in the Volkswagen CC from Silverstone 2019 onwards, I was always filled with joy reminiscing and thinking about the look on everyone’s faces when we, the underdogs, took victory in the most unlikely of circumstances.

“Many drivers will say that you need to be at one with your car, It’s true. The CC was a diva, but I loved her for it and I just want one more season together. Nic is the same.”

Nicolas Hamilton scored his first BTCC point in the CC and cherishes it dearly. “Jack and I feel very similar about our faithful sparring partner. The CC was a diva at times, and I’m convinced it wanted to kill me at certain circuits but when we got on, we worked in perfect harmony.

“My highest qualifying position and first points in the BTCC have come with the Volkswagen CC which is just amazing as I’ve driven some good cars in the past. I feel the car deserves one more shot in the UK’s premier motorsport series.”


Glynn Geddie was less passionate than his trio of teammates. “I can understand the other guy’s feelings towards the CC, they’ve all had great memories in the car and even in the six races I participated with it I’ve had some good outings, but they need to get a grip a little.

“The new CUPRA built by Team HARD. is completely different to the CC and a positive move in the direction we want to be taking. To let their feelings get the better of them in this scenario is crazy.

“I’m not happy with Tony’s decision to maintain the CC’s for another season but I’m a fighter and I will give it everything I have. Who knows, maybe I’ll feel the same way as the others at the end of the season.”

The final word on the decision comes from Managing Director Tony Gilham. “To say I was shocked when the guys came to me regarding this is an understatement. They are happy with the way the new CUPRA is handling but despite that they just can’t get over their affection for our trusty CC.

The happiness of my drivers is paramount and it’s for that reason we have reached this decision.  I guess one more year won’t hurt. Let’s see how we go.”