Quotes from the ninth qualifying session of the 2023 Kwik Fit British Touring Car Championship season.

Dan Lloyd: “Disappointed with 21st today, 15th would have been a good effort with the package we have but we were pinged on track limits. It really wasn’t the best day, we struggled to find the sweet spot with the setup and it’s not a track where you can hustle the car to get the most out of it. You’re relying on the chassis and setup to get the performance but we are always stronger on race day so we will be pushing forward tomorrow.”

Dan unfortunately was one of a number of drivers to have his best lap time deleted. Photograph: Kieren Carpenter

Michael Crees: “We’ve been on the backfoot throughout the day due to an engine problem which really isn’t ideal, here especially with the pack being so close.

“The lads will be working hard to make sure any remaining issues are sorted and we can then move forward tomorrow.”

Dexter Patterson: “It was a tough session for all of us in the Cupra Leon. The field spread is small and the smallest lockup can knock you back a fair few places. Having said that, I just don’t think the car had it in it today to make the shootout which is a real shame.

“We won’t give up and we know our car is better on race day so I’m expecting to move up quickly and get into the points.”

Dexter is right in the mix against his fellow Cupra drivers this weekend. Photograph: Kieren Carpenter

Daryl DeLeon: “An okay session for me today. I am right behind Dan, Bobby and Dexter both in positions and laptime which I have to be happy with. Whilst we are not where we want to be, the result gives me confidence that I am getting as much out of the car as the other drivers in the team.

“We are in a good position tomorrow to stay with my teammates and move up through the field and really get stuck in. I’m excited for what tomorrow will bring.”

Bobby Thompson: “Well it was great to be back in the paddock and with the team after a few meetings away however it wasn’t the day we were hoping for. The car hasn’t really been hooked up today despite our best efforts. The field spread is so tight here and losing a tenth can drop you down eight or nine places.

“In terms of qualifying it was a messy session but on my final lap we put in a solid time, it wasn’t enough to get into the top 10 shootout but it was respectable. Annoyingly the time got deleted for track limits which is a real factor here and I got shuffled way down the order.

“A big thanks to the team for today. Tomorrow presents a new challenge and I reckon we will be able to move further towards the front and get some points.”

Bobby returned to the team after missing the previous three rounds. Photograph: Kieren Carpenter

Jack Butel: “Tough day for us all as we are chasing the setup of the car to match the other chassis here at Silverstone. We had a small issue in FP2 which wsn’t ideal as we lost a bit of time in that session but a big thanks to the crew on my car who sorted it out in time for qualifying.

“The only way is forward tomorrow in my eyes and i’m looking forward to getting stuck in.”