Well where to start with this weekend….

Qualifying – P2

Race 1 – race one was a good race we dropped back to third off the line but by the end of the first lap we was back up to second but lost a lot of time to the leader. After catching up we took the lead with 3 laps to go but got piped on the straight on the penultimate lap and ended up finishing 2nd so overall a decent start to the season.

Race 2 – this race wasn’t so great, we started in 5th due to the reverse grid. I got a blistering start and got into 3rd by turn one then into 2nd at turn to then the lead at the start of the second lap. I created a 2.5 second lead and was very comfortable the car was fantastic and I was very much in control until we got a puncture….. I felt the car washing out a lot on the right hand corners and new something was wrong I pushed on through as best as I could for 2 laps which aloud the cars behind to catch up until my tyre gave up into the complex…. which meant we had to pull into the pits and retire the car with only 2 minutes left of the race. I was beyond gutted words cannot describe the emotion, but we will be back we proved our pace this weekend on a new circuit to me now onto circuits we know.

Just want to say a huge thankyou to Wrightsure insurance and oakleaf heating for there support over this weekend was great to see you all again and I hope you was pleased with the weekend.

Another thank you to team hard racing Alex my number one was incredible and gave me a mega car! And to the boys at the unit who built and set the car up, Ray, Ollie and Charlie you made a great car lads!

See you all at Rockingham

Wrightsure insurance
Oakleaf heating
Fleet livery solutions