Hear what our CUPRA drivers had to say about the progress made at the Goodyear tyre test at Oulton Park.

Jack Goff: “The two days were frustrating really because of the weather. I could never really get into a rhythm to really dig deep into the car and every time we changed the car and went to go on a new tyre run, it would start to rain. The weather was the same for everybody and it was frustrating. However, to be sat here saying were frustrated at ending the day in P4 on day 1 and P6 on day 2 I think shows how far we’ve come already with the CUPRA. It’s only testing and we can make sure we go away now, crunch some numbers and come up with a good set up before we head to Oulton park.

“Overall, it was good and we should be happy with how well we performed. The car felt pretty good but it was just a shame that we couldn’t do a proper new tyre run on day 2. The rain just halted our development but it is what it is.”

Aron Taylor-Smith: “It was a very successful two days, the weather prevented the timing sheets showing the CUPRA’s true potential but we’ve found a new area to explore on the car that we didn’t necessarily get to have a go at on race weekends due to time capacity in free practices. All in all I’ve left there with a lot more direction, we know we have a very fast race car beneath us as proved at Brands and I think now we’ve stumbled onto something that will hopefully unlock our qualifying potential.”

James Gornall: “I was very pleased with the two days. To jump in after quite a period out of the car and perform well was great, and against tough competition. I was very impressed with the CUPRA. It was great straight out of the box and responded well to the changes we were making. It really was a pleasure to drive in all conditions and has huge potential.

“I’d like to thank Tony Gilham, all of the guys and girls at Team HARD athe continued support from Dreelside Engineering and Ian Gornall Financial Planning.”